Recursos de TEA
2024-25 Elementary Family Handbook (English)
The Dyslexia Handbook (English) | Manual de dislexia (Español)
Texas Transition & Employment Guide (English) (§29.0112)
SB 139 Notice to Families (English) | Actualizaciones en Educación Especial (Español) (OSEP Requirement 2)
Resources | Texas Education Agency (OSEP Requirement 3)
Compensatory Services | Servicios Compensatorios (OSEP Requirement 4)
Dyslexia Handbook 2021 Update Important Changes | Actualización del manual de dislexia 2021 (OSEP Response to Texas Corrective Action)
Texas Transition and Employment Guide (English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Chinese) (§ 29.0112)
State and Federal Activity Updates Regarding Significant Disproportionality Requirements(§ 300.646)

The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families.
Contact information: Phone: 1-855-773-3839 | Email: inquire@spedtex.org | Live Chat: www.spedtex.org